Edge cases

The difference between a master and a novice is the level of knowledge about the exceptions – peculiarities not mentioned in the standard manuals. For example, in health care, the master doctor knows about

Positive History

The only pieces of history we should appropriate are those which promote optimistic behavior among ourselves. Not hate, anger, and disillusionment like what is happening in Kenya right now.

in all things, settle for the best

Want to start a company? Trust me, do not start until you have a great cofounder! Someone you can work with smoothly and trust their judgement. A person you can solve problems in

Reading anxiety

Like many problems, the solution is always counter-intuitive. Go slow! Understand that reading that book won't necessarily solve the problem you are currently experiencing.

Why I chose not to try psilocybin

In The Art Of Loving, Eric Fromm shares that as humans, we are constantly seeking to quench the thirst of separateness and loneliness; that separateness is what breeds anxiety. I deeply relate to